The Latest Trends In Tank & Pressure Vessel Engineering

Stay Relevant With These Insights From Your Leading Resource For Tank and Pressure Vessel Design 

Tanks and pressure vessels are a preferred storage type for a wide range of industries. In some industries, tanks and vessels are required for a significant number of individual processes. For example, the agriculture industry uses storage tanks and pressure vessels for:

  • Grain and water storage.
  • Fertilizer storage.
  • Pesticide and herbicide storage.
  • Gas and oil storage.
  • Manure management. 
  • Food production.
  • Dairy transport.
  • Processing, including pasteurization and fermentation.

To ensure that industry-wide tasks are successfully carried out, the facilities where they take place require the support of engineers who specialize in tank and vessel engineering. However, as industries change, markets evolve, and technology advances, new trends and best practices emerge for this highly specialized form of engineering, requiring professional engineers to continue to expand their knowledge and apply their experience in new ways.

Among our comprehensive list of solutions, tank and pressure vessel engineering is a particular area of expertise at Finite Engineering. Our work runs parallel with the important technologies and trends that define tank and vessel engineering. Here are three trends we’ve noticed during our extensive work with a nationwide list of clients across critical industries. 

Industry Changes Are Creating New Opportunities For Storage Tank and Pressure Vessel Engineers

In the past two decades, booming industries that have shaped the 21st century’s economic history have required storage tanks and pressure vessels to make their impact. 

  • Hydrofracking requires tanks for water and the chemicals used in fracking fluid, as well as for “flowback” fluids that rise to the surface through the well before natural gas begins to flow.
  • After the Green New Deal resolution received more widespread support, Finite Engineering saw an increase in requests for storing hydrogen to use as renewable energy. 
  • The electric vehicle (EV) market has also spurred demand for tank solutions for resource storage, cooling, and recycling that is critical for the full production cycle. 
  • Demand is also increasing for tanks designed to handle thermal capacity for cooling AI server farms.

As new needs for tank and pressure vessels emerge, Finite Engineering remains committed to cross-industry versatility and adaptability, so that we can continue to provide relevant, beneficial services. Whether a business requires finite element analysis (FEA), water storage tank design, or even new product development for industries such as construction, mining, transportation, or agriculture, we always have an up-to-date solution.

The Rise Of Custom, Small-Batch Manufacturing 

As evidenced by the emergence of new requests for tank and pressure vessels designed by Finite Engineering, political and economic factors often influence the nature of the services that are most in demand.

We’ve seen this happen in the past three years after the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. economy has been heavily influenced by inflation and the measures the Federal Reserve employs to cool it. During times of hardship, manufacturers of equipment for the industries that require tanks and vessel engineering typically pivot to customization to remain profitable. Building customized, small-batch products allows manufacturing companies to succeed by:

  • Reducing upfront investment. 
  • Remaining nimble for new market needs.
  • Innovating.
  • Taking on less risk. 
  • Targeting untouched markets. 
  • Deepening partnerships through strong customer service.

During a transformation of business priorities, our engineering team is ready to forge a partnership with manufacturing companies who require customized, niche support. Our experience with a wide variety of tank designs, including water tank design, dry goods design, and many more, allow us to quickly identify challenges and help create solutions, so our clients can achieve their new goals. We also get the chance to flex our creativity and develop entirely new configurations, while relying on our expertise.

Partner With Finite Engineering For Today’s Tank and Pressure Vessel Engineering Solutions

Clients trust Finite Engineering for tank and pressure vessel design due to our high level of responsiveness to their industry’s trends and changes. Our command of today’s technologies and resources for finite element analysis (FEA), production engineering, custom product development, and troubleshooting allows us to deliver incredibly effective support. 

Finite Engineering looks forward to continuing to meet the needs of our clients in response to whatever happens next in their industries. We will meet these challenges with time-honored engineering approaches, paired with a thirst for next-generation solutions, including new product development for industries such as transportation, construction, agriculture, mining, and any other segments that require our help.

Contact our team online today, or call (913) 361-6288 to get started on your tank and vessel design solution.

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